Colour Format

NTSC Palette


See Stella Programmer's Guide

Colour-Ordered PNG

2600NTSCpalettised 256colours
The above GIF stores the NTSC palette as an indexed image, with each colour set to the corresponding palette RGB value displayed by a NTSC '2600. In other words, the colour number in the image will show the corresponding colour displayed by the Atari. The '2600 does not use the low bit of the colour number, so we have 128 pairs of colours here.

Interactive TIA Colour Charts
Glenn Saunders' Colour Tables

Phase Changes

Temperature-related phase changes of colours

Console Differences

"most (all?) six switch 2600's have a 680 ohm resistor between TIA pins 6 and 9, which boosts the chroma saturation. Later models omit it." - RevEng



Colour Selector - AtariAge
backup: Colour Selector
Use the Colour/B&W switch to change between 50/60 Hz.

bAtari BASIC NTSC Palette Generator

NTSC Palette (BASIC)
AtariAge discussion
Screen Shot 2021 02 20 At 9.49.53 Pm

C png2vcs Palette Generator

git: SvOlli Palette Generator
backup:SvOlli Palette Generator ZIP
AtariAge discussion

see Colour Definition